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Grading Scale

✔ Academic grades: The percentage system is the basis for all grades; letter grades are used for reporting purposes.

The percentage for letter grades is as follows:
A 94%-100% (4.0)      C 77%-79% (2.0)
A- 92%-93% (3.75)     C- 74%-76% (1.75)
B+ 89%-91% (3.5)      D+ 71%-73% (1.5)
B 86%-88% (3.0)        D 68%-70% (1.0)
B- 83%-85% (2.75)     D- 65%-67%
C+ 80%-82% (2.5)      F Below 64%

AP Grading Scale
A 92%-100%     C+ 78%-79%
A - 90%-91%     C 72%-77%
B+ 88%-89%     C- 70%-71%
B 82%-87%       D+ 68%-69%
B- 80%-81%      D 60%-67%
F Below 60%

✔ A student’s GPA is computed on a four-point scale using semester grades in all classes. The value of each letter grade on the four-point scale is listed above in parenthesis.
✔ Final Assessments will be given in all classes and are a comprehensive review of the semester’s work and may comprise up to 20% of the student’s grade.
✔ Effort and conduct are reported to parents by means of coded comments on the report card.
✔ Students repeating a class must have the prior approval of the School Counselor. The grade received for repeating a course will be the one used in the computation of the student’s GPA.
✔ Classes taken online will not count toward an Academic Honors diploma. Online classes must also be approved by the Principal, Counselor, and Department head.