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Explore Mater Dei

Choosing a high school is a big decision. The four years spent in high school - from age 14 to 18 years old - are some of the most formative years in a young person's life. Bigger school, new friends, challenging classes, learning to drive, starting to date, learning/questioning their faith, becoming an adult...all of these life experiences form in high school.

At Mater Dei, we pride ourselves in the atmosphere that exists beyond the bricks and mortar of our building. The atmosphere of learning, service, and family has been fine-tuned for more than 70 years. We are a faith-based high school with a safe environment and Catholic education.

Academically, Mater Dei offers a challenging curriculum that requires more motivation and critical thinking on the part of the students. Furthermore, Mater Dei provides classroom environments where students feel comfortable approaching their teachers with questions to better themselves as students. This facet of the curriculum, in turn, helps instill the qualities of accountability and leadership in the students.

- Bill and Julia Kunkler

Admission Policy

Mater Dei High School realizes that a student body with varying backgrounds (racial, ethnic, socio-economic, and geographic) provides a full educational experience for all students. Thus, Mater Dei admits students of any color, racial or ethnic origin, or faith, to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally made available to students at the school.

Although we try to serve the needs of all types of learners, we may not have the necessary resources to accommodate certain learning disabilities and difficulties. If the school becomes aware of additional information after the student has been admitted that impacts the school's ability to provide service to the student, the school reserves the right to change its admission decision.