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Transfer Students

Transfers are normally accepted at the beginning of each semester. However, students wanting to transfer in the first two weeks of the first semester will be considered.

  • We suggest applying for the fall semester during the spring or early summer.
  • We suggest applying for mid-year after the first grading period of the school year and no later than early December. 

Step 1: Submit an Application for Admission and Transcript

Create an account in our Parent Portal 

  • Submit an online application form.
  • Attach the following documents in checklist:
    • Copy of all high school report cards. If the student is a current freshmen, then submit 8th grade reports cards as well.
    • (If applicable) Copy of IEP/ISP/Accommodation Plan or 504

Step 2: Submit PSAT results from current year or take Admissions Readiness Assessment

  • This assessment is not a placement test, but rather a way for us to evaluate readiness for our rigorous academic program and ensure that your child will thrive in our environment. 
  • Enrollment Manager, Jill Seiler, will contact you to set up this appointment

Step 3: Schedule an Interview with Admissions Team

  • Once the application & grades have been received by the admissions team, parents and students transferring to Mater Dei are required to complete an enrollment interview with a school official prior to acceptance. Enrollment Manager, Jill Seiler, will contact you to set up this appointment.
  • Students and parents will be informed of the Diocesan Code of Christian Conduct.

Step 4: Notification of Admission Status

  • Parents/guardians will be notified about their student's admission status as quickly as possible following evaluation of the above materials.