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Annual Fund
The impact of your gifts continues to enhance the student experience at Mater Dei. Please support these valuable projects and programs in 2023-2024.
Academics $200,000
Faculty & Staff Support Initiatives
Youth First Social Worker
Interactive White Boards
Classroom Seating Enhancements
Spiritual Enrichment $50,000
Student Retreats Faculty & Staff Retreats
Catholic Identity Enhancements
Building & Grounds $150,000
Athletic Fields Entrance Enhancements
Security Upgrades
Facility Maintenance
Total Goal: $400,000
Mater Dei Annual Fund Giving Levels
Immaculate Assembly $25,000+
Msgr. Lautner League $10,000-$24,999
Fr. Dewig Fellowship $5,000-$9,999
Queen's Court $2,500-$4,999
Millennium Members $1,000-$2,500
Royal Gold Society $500-$999
Loyal Red Circle $250-$499
Century Club $100-$249
Anniversary Partners $74-$99
Patrons $11-$73
Wildcat Class $1-$10