Student Handbook 2024-2025 -- Parent/Student must read and sign off in acknowledgement.
Code of Christian Conduct -- Parent/Student must read and sign off in acknowledgement.
Social Media Policy -- Parent/Student must read and sign off in acknowledgement.
Student Internet Use Policy -- Parent/Student must read and sign off in acknowledgement.
Concussion -- Know the signs! Parent/Student must read and sign off in acknowledgement.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest -- Know the signs! Parent/Student must read and sign off in acknowledgement.
Attendance Requirements -- Some key reminders for attendance and appointments and who to contact.
Senior Class End of Year Info -- This provides a summary of some key events the seniors will participate in throughout the school year.
Junior Fundraiser -- The Junior class helps facilitate the poinsettia fundraiser for prom.
School Immunization Requirements -- IDOH's list of school immunization requirements.
Technology Policy -- Students receive a Chromebook and charger to use throughout the school year. It will be returned at the end of senior year.
Mater Dei Contacts -- Want to know who to contact and for what? Check this out!